Common Deck-Building Mistakes
Avoid these common problems, and build a longer-lasting, safer deck. Installing an outdoor deck is a great way to improve the outside of your home, add value, and create a space for socializing. A good deck will last many years, and be the heart of many a grill, party, or summer lunch. With all they have going

Most types of lawn grass grow best in slightly acidic soil with a pH between 6 and 7. If your soil pH is below 5.5, your lawn won’t grow well. This is when lime works. It is a soil amendment made from ground limestone rock, which contains calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate. Lime’s primary role is to

Ideas for Creating an Outdoor Room in Your Backyard
An outdoor room is a perfect place to enjoy some fresh air, and have fun with friends and family, especially in the summer! With the right tools and design layout, it’s easy and affordable to make it happen. By creating an outdoor room, you’ll make the most out of your backyard’s space. You can combine

The No Holes Pool Fence
It is a great way to have a pool to relax and keep cool. But it is also a must to have safety protocols in place because accidents can and do happen. One of the useful ways to keep safe is with a pool safety fence. Today, we will talk about one of the most popular ones, the No Holes Pool Fence.

Choose Suitable Sliding Gate For Your Homes
Sliding gates can fit the area exactly and look majestic as well, which can simply glide through on a rail without blocking the road. What’s more, they are quite easy to install and operate. What Is Sliding Gate? A sliding gate is a fence that can be moved on a rail fixed on the ground. Sliding

All You Need To Know About Mulch
Mulching provides many advantages to your summer landscape but the biggest and the most important advantage is retaining water and water conservation. Let’s read more and get started to do it! What Are The Benefits of Mulch? Controls weeds! The mulch can block the sunshine that weeds desperately need to grow and spread. Keeps the roots

Gardening Ideas with Pebbles
Pebbles are a fantastic decoration to gardening. They can add beautiful color and texture to any garden or outdoor space. These essential mid-sized stones can not only serve as attractive design details but also functional purposes, too. With their varying shapes and colors, pebbles can create character in a design or bring about a natural appeal. Here are

Make a mini-pond to upgrade your garden!
Are you looking for ways to upgrade the look of your garden? Why not try making this simple DIY mini pond. What Is a Mini Pond? It’s simple to create a simple mini pond for your garden. A mini pond can technically be created using any vessel that will hold water and typically sits above the ground,

Blade fencing is a durable, sleek and sophisticated fencing style. It comes in many materials, such as steel, aluminum and wood. It provides a dimensional look to both gates and fences, but also creates privacy and security. Meanwhile, they are and offer a sleek and stylish finish to your property. Why should you choose blade

DIY Indoor Outdoor Concrete Lamp
With concrete, it is easier to make a stylish and larger Indoor Outdoor Concrete Lamp, which can be placed outdoors. Let’s check out the article for more details. Materials you will need LED String Light Felts Sheet Cement Large vase Drill bits Random tree branch Spray paint Metal flashing Let’s make it step by step

Gardening With Your Kids
If you love to garden, you might have thought about sharing your hobby with your children. Gardening is an excellent activity for kids. It has sensory aspects, gets them outside in the dirt, and can teach them life lessons and some important science. What’s more, gardening with your children can also boost their immune system, and teach them

Stepping stones are not only necessary for being able to move throughout the garden without disrupting the soil, but they also create focal points and structure, and add a little bit of personality! Making your own DIY concrete stepping stones is a way to create functional art for the floor of your garden. Now let’s learn