Gardening Tips for Autumn

Are you looking for gardening tips for autumn? Then you’ve come to the right place.

Gardening in autumn is an absolute delight; the summer heat has died down, but the winter frost is yet to set in, making it the perfect temperature to be outdoors. What’s more, the falling leaves make for a beautiful landscape to be surrounded by and draw inspiration from.

Autumn is the perfect time to get your garden ready for winter as the soil has usually retained some of the heat from summer, making your garden beds ripe to be prepped and primed for the ice and rain that winter will soon bring.

Here are Everlast Services top tips for gardening in autumn:

What to Plant

The advantages of planting in autumn are practically endless: the cooler weather means that your plants will need far less establishment watering, the plants have plenty of time to establish their roots deep underground before the heat of summer, and the moist, warm soil makes the ground much more forgiving when it comes to digging and prepping the soil.

Before you get started with planting anything, though, it’s important that your soil’s quality is up to scratch and, if it’s not, that you take the necessary steps to improve it. Otherwise, all your hard work will be for nothing.

Autumn is the perfect time to transplant trees or shrubs or to use cuttings to make new plants.

Additionally, autumn is a great time to start a veggie garden or to revamp it with some luscious winter vegetables. Some of the perfect autumnal veggie garden plants that are suitable for a Victorian climate include: garlic, coriander, chives, oregano, thyme, parsley, mint, rosemary, shallots, broad beans, beetroots, cabbages, leeks, lettuce, potatoes, silver beet, turnips.


Pruning your hedges and trees is a necessity in autumn as it will help to protect them from winter storms and frost. Pruning is simple; all you have to do is take some shears and remove any unwanted parts of the plant, like dead or damaged branches or unruly and overgrown sections.

Not only will pruning help to improve the appearance of your garden, but it can also improve your trees and shrubs’ health. Excessive branches can often impede a plant’s access to sunlight and air, which in turn can stunt its growth. By cutting these parts off, you allow the plant to access the sunlight and air it needs to grow well.

Pruning is particularly essential for plants and trees that produce fruit. Pruning promotes fruit growth and can also help to ensure an even distribution of fruit throughout the plant.

Make Compost

If you have a lot of deciduous trees in your yard (trees that shed their leaves in winter), use them to your advantage by creating compost with the fallen leaves. Compost is perfect for pretty much any part of your garden, including potted plants, garden beds and even your lawn. It helps your plants to grow strong thanks to the microorganisms that it contains which break down organic material into plant-available nutrients.

At Everlast Services, we recommend that you purchase a specific compost bin or repurpose a suitably sized container rather than simply having a compost pile. This will help to keep your yard looking neat and tidy, and means that it will be protected from the elements.

To start your compost bin off this autumn, collect all your prune trimmings, lawn clippings, kitchen scraps and, of course, fallen leaves and throw them into the bin, creating alternating layers of different types of scraps. You should use a garden fork to turn over the mixture often so that air is able to circulate as this helps the decomposition process.

Pay Attention to Your Lawn

After the hot and dry summer, chances are your lawn is looking a bit worse for wear and could use some care and attention. Looking after your lawn in autumn will also help to prepare it for the harsh weather that winter will bring.

Other than weeding and mowing your lawn, feeding it some fertiliser will help it to grow strong. Try using a lower nitrogen fertiliser as this will help to repair damaged areas while also promoting new growth.

Make sure that you also regularly remove any fallen debris, like leaves or branches, from your lawn as this will deprive your lawn of light and will result in unsightly brown patches.

Need Help?

If your garden is looking like a bit of a mess and you need help getting it back on track this autumn, simply call us at Everlast Services and we’ll be more than happy to lend you our expertise. We’ll turn your garden into a paradise in no time—no gardening tips for autumn needed. Contact us today for a free measure and quote.