Building A Fence: Tips for Beginners

When it comes to investing in your home, few installations and renovations will get attract as much attention and as many compliments as a new fence. Whether it be the neighbours, guests or your family, everyone will appreciate the transformative effect your new fence has on your home. If you’re trying to decide whether or not a new fence is worthwhile, consider attempting building your fence yourself. With our helpful guide, you can still achieve a professional result whilst also being cost effective. We’ve thought of everything you need to consider to make sure you’re ready to build a quality fence today.

1.    Research Rules and Regulations

Before you begin, familiarise yourself with the rules and regulations that you must adhere to when erecting a fence so your mind doesn’t run away with all the possibilities only to be brought back to earth by realising certain fences are not permitted. Check out our guide to fencing rules and regulations in Victoria as a useful starting point. The key things to check are whether the height of the fence you’re planning to build is permitted and that you’ve consulted with your neighbours if you’re going to build a dividing fence.

It’s also worth checking your property boundaries since where the fence line currently sits may not be a perfect indication of where you can build the new one. This is because building a fence near windows and open spaces may require you to build the fence further back from the property line in order to allow enough sunlight into such spaces.

2.    Decide on the Perfect Material

The material you choose will define the aesthetic and durability of your future fence. Wood is a popular and reliable choice, however it is important to ensure that the wood you source has been treated for outdoor use so that the rain and harsh weather conditions do not prematurely erode it, thus keeping it looking new for longer.

If you’re open-minded to alternatives, vinyl is an appealing option as it has a similar appearance to wood but is more durable in outdoor conditions. Of course, if durability is your chief concern then it’s worth looking into aluminium, wrought iron, steel and bamboo fences to build a fence that will look the same in 10 years as it does the day you build it.

Mixing fence materials is a great way to save money. By prioritising the front and using the fence materials you prefer appearance-wise, you can then use cheaper and more practical materials for the inner perimeter without affecting your home’s curb appeal.

3.    Get the Measurements Right

In order to avoid buying excessive materials or not enough due to over or under-estimating, it’s important to measure the length of the fence reliably. The best way to do this is to use string and stakes to delineate the area that needs fencing. If you have ensured the string is taut then you can rely on the length of the string to indicate the length of your fence.

It may even be easier, once you have a reliable measurement, to buy made-to-measure materials to make the DIY job even more straightforward. Everlast Services can manufacture custom materials at our factory in Hoppers Crossing.

4.    Make Sure it’s Sturdy

Want to make your DIY effort and money spent all worthwhile? Then it’s imperative you make sure to build your fence securely. This way, it will be able to withstand all weather conditions.

A common mistake is to set the fence posts too far apart. It is not worth cutting corners or trying to save money if it will mean your fence is damaged on the first day of strong winds. Instead, make sure you include enough fence posts, never setting them more than 2.5 metres apart.

When it comes to installing the fence palings, it’s possible to buy the palings cut to your specific measurements to make the DIY even easier. For advice on installing the fence palings, we’ve put together a helpful guide.

Secondly, make sure you install your fence posts deep enough in the ground. This tends to require one third of the post being underground. So, be sure to take this into consideration when purchasing material. You don’t want fence posts to be much shorter than you intended!

5.    Dress it up

Building the fence is the impressive part of this DIY project. However, adding some simple touches to the end product will really tie it all together. Consider a lick of paint, adding finials or decorating your fence with hanging plants. Planting shrubs along the fence line can seamlessly integrate the gap between the fence and the ground.

With a bit of determination and patience, you can easily make the fence you’re dreaming of a reality. Everlast Services can provide all the materials you need to get started, custom-made for your project. So what are you waiting for? Start building a fence, or get in touch today!